5 Important Things That Will Make Your Kitchen Must Go To Green


FeastHome – Global warming is one of the most serious problems today. Starting small will make difference on preventing this issue to get more severe and your kitchen could be the place to start this movement. Other than that, transform your kitchen into the eco-friendly one will give good impact to your life.

Kitchen story that applies green and healthy concept will make your house becomes healthier too. And basically, go green is very important because our Mother Earth is getting older and older over time.

You should also know that your kitchen can release at least 15% of bad stuff to the air. And this is like one of the most important reasons you need to consider when you want to have kitchen.

Some states like California and Arizona have their own regulation about water usage, so this article may open your mind.

Why is it so important to go green in the kitchen?

green kitchen
home-designing com

Do not worry because there are so many things you can do to create a kitchen with friendly features for the environment.

The easiest and simplest way to think from now on is to reconsider all liquids used for dishwasher machine, floor, and also cleaner for surfaces that contain chemical substances.

Chemical substance contained by the liquids used in your kitchen could harm the environment and also yourself. So, why do not we start with plant-based or natural cleaning stuff?

Other than that, there are still other things that basically could contribute to your kitchen that is unfriendly to the environment. Let us say about the electricity bill and water bill, which will be the obligation we should pay every month.

So, here are the reasons why we better go green from now. Starting from the kitchen could add huge difference in your house.

Reasons for go green

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dreamdoorskitchens com

As we have mentioned earlier, you start the go green kitchen story by replacing something small. Light bulbs need to be changed with the fluorescents. It can save your electricity at least 20% from the usual bill.

If you want something more advanced then you can also utilize the technology named solar panels. Solar panel costs a little bit higher for the initial but it will cut off your budget for electricity budget a lot.

Going green is definitely going to help you save the money. Choosing the right appliances will help you to efficiently save the money. Flushing the toilet requires 5-7 gallons.

By upgrading your toilet into more modern and eco-friendly model will help you to save money. When it comes to watering your yard, you can save the water bill by converting into sprinkler.

Yard with bushes, flowers, and trees will help you to increase the value of your house. Keeping them neat and beautiful will block excessive wind into your house. Besides, they add good view to your house.

It is true if the initial cost of eco-friendly stuff will be much more expensive. But for the long-term, it will not let you down anyway since they are more durable.

For example, you can choose the recycled material because it turns out to be 5 times more durable than the traditional material. Besides, it does not require too much maintenance.

Another advantage you need to know is that this idea will help you to maintain your health in general and your skin quality as well. Starting from the kitchen will give huge impact on your family and house.

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Other than those scientific reasons of going green we have mentioned above, having green kitchen story will definitely guarantee your kids’ future for sure.

If we have contributed to such thing like going green and using eco-friendly materials or appliances, their task will be easier in the future. It is like a habit after all.

Several ways to green your kitchen

green kitchen
livspace com

Since kitchen is like the heart of any home, making the kitchen becomes eco-friendly to the environment and our health in overall will be a big deal.

We have some tips you can try to turn your kitchen becomes greener and healthier yet lovelier. Read our article about outdoor kitchen installation for better insulation and fancier vibe.

  • To save the water bill and to avoid using too much wasted water, you can invest your money to dishwasher with Energy Star rate-1. It is more efficient on energy using instead of washing dishes using water. But if there is only one plate or several spoons then you can use hand-washing instead of dishwasher. Upgrading the appliance into Energy Star grade-1 will save your money up to USD 40 per year.
  • Refrigerator is also another appliance you need to pay attention to have greener kitchen story. Some people use the refrigerator and set it below 36 F. Some units will consume 5% more energy when it is set to below 38 F. So, you need to consider this point and do not forget to clean the coil every year.
  • Foot pedals or sensor faucets will be another good invest for the sake of green kitchen. Using dishwasher has been proven to save the water when you wash a lot of dirty dish. But if there are only a few things to be washed then you better wash it with hands. The sensor faucets or foot pedals will help you to stop the running water while your hands are full with dirty dishes.
  • Creating a composting system in your kitchen will allow you to grow your own food or veggies. There are several things you can learn from internet about making a composting system indoor also minimizing the possibility of odor.
  • Invest the container in aluminum or glass and make sure it can be used for microwave. Glass and aluminum are better to keep the food cold if you store it in the refrigerator. Meanwhile, those materials have tighter pores so the taste will not be changed. Those can be used for lifetime after all. And it is better if you invest on bigger container like family size so it will be more practical.

Drinking from the tap is basically safe but for more high-quality water, you can use water-purifying pitcher and keep it inside the jug in the fridge.

The water quality will be significantly improved and you do not need to run the water from tap. And this is how you do greener and healthier kitchen story. There are so many ways you can try to start a better life from your kitchen.

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